Monday, November 8, 2010

Skiing by the seat of my pants . DJ

What a night. I tackled a ski trail tonight for the first time in 20+ years. Well, it was a small loop. And 30 minutes is enough for a premiere return to skis.

But STILL! My heartbeat is rat-a-tat-tatting to the drum. Broke a sweat. Didn't fall on my butt. Lost my hat to the wind on one hill and I backtracked to retrieve it. This proves the need to bring one of my goldens along on a multi-use trail soon (when I know I won't injure a four-legged someone with my ineptness) so they can retrieve lost objects!

Excited to get back out on the trail for more than a half hour.

Anyone want to join me for a little exercise? I'm game.


  1. I would join you but last time I skied I fell on my butt. I have found that at 49 falling down kinda hurts!! Nice picture.

  2. 49??? Spring Chicken! I'm just 53. Then again, I have padding on my butt.

  3. In response to Ina, Carol (me) has bad knees. I tried cross country years ago when I first met David. I was 60 pounds lighter and my body was in great shape. But I was still a cluts. Fell down so much that David had to undo my skis everytime we came to a small hill because I refused to fall down on the skiis. Walked down.
