While checking our newest adoption dog, Princess, into the vet clinic for her first visit under the my name, a voice from across the room struck up an amusing and sensitive topic:
"Are you sure?" she asked. "I heard that this procedure can be done while leaving them intact."
"No," said the very patient and understanding staff person. "When they're neutered, they have to be removed."
"Really?" "I was sure that Petey would be able to keep them," she said in somewhat sad tone.
Then she sparkled with a brighter tone ...."What about fake ones?"
"Well, we don't recommend them here in Alaska because of how cold it gets."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. But what do you do with them?" she queried.
"Well," the staff person replied, "they're disposed of unless you want them."
"Oh, no....." Petey's mom exclaimed .... as she finally looked around to see if anyone was listening.
Walking out the door this nice but clearly disappointed person called to her intact boy dog (who was sitting in the exam room .... "Good boy, Petey. It'll be okay. I'll see you tonight."
Poor Petey. We trust his human mom won't think less of him for making his contribution.
Side note: This true story reminds me of a vet who used to be in town. She kept a jar of, umm, specimens on her desk in a jar. It was an interesting statement.
Too funny!! Did the whole room burst out laughing as soon as the door closed behind her? I don't know how the vet tech could keep a straight face