Friday, October 15, 2010

Who hates dogs?

We answered the phone this morning to someone who apparently hates dogs. He called to complain that the studio has an exhibit at Kaladi Brothers, Brayton Drive.

"The stuff on the walls looks like something that would hang in a serial killer's bedroom." he said.

"When will it be off the walls again so I can come back to my favorite coffee place?" he demanded.

We did our best to "handle" this twisted, lack of soul phone call terrorist. (He wasn't brave enough to talk to me directly ... good thing.)

And a subsequent call to Kaladi's to make sure everyone else was enjoying the artwork yielded this response from the store manager:

"We're getting lots of positive responses from our customers. But one guy came through earlier today telling us that he hated dogs."

I understand that dogs are not everyone's cup of Kaladis' Best. But it's scary to know that there is someone out there who has such hatred for innocent souls that he would go to the extent of harrassing my staff and also exclaim this hatred to others.

The Kaladi's manager summed it by saying .... "he's part of that one percentile."

True. And my biggest regret is that staff had to listen to this monster's tirade.

Too bad the one percentile's parent hadn't been neutered before having a child.

1 comment:

  1. To me AK is the mecca for dogs...he needs to go back to the lower 48...Seattle perhaps? they have lots of coffee there as well...what a jerk!
