I suppose there's humor in every situation. In this case, Michelle had placed a little treat in her mouth to lure Satari to her face for a kiss. Satari, at 11, doesn't have the best depth perception these days. The result was a snag up on Michelle's lip as seen here. I love the expression on Michelle's face as she tries to maintain a stiff upper lip (sorry - couldn't pass up the chance). Add yes, Michelle left the session with a bruised lip thanks to this love nip.

Sadly, Satari has an unmanageable brain tumor. She will only be with us for a few days. These portraits will be true treasures for Michelle and family.
Me...I'm trying to hold it together. Sessions like this are rewarding for what they accomplish but exceptionally demanding on our hearts and psyches at the studio. So ... seeing a funny outtake helps the healing process for us, too.
You did a great job David! I can't believe she's got a brain tumor, poor thing. She still looks so healthy and happy. She looks like she will definitely be missed by her mom, but what a precious memory she will have for a lifetime.