Nothing new of interest for sale. The sonic blasts were still booming around the house.
So ... then I search engine Pets and Fireworks on CL.
Several pleas for help popped up immediately. Exactly what I expected to see.
But then I saw the following: Puddy's Story
Here's what I read ....
Puddy had a rough life from the very beginning. At 3 months animal services got a call of a black lab/rott mix puppy running around little Campbell creek. I had been bugging my parents for a new dog and promised they could have all of my PFD's if i could have one. That day me and my dad went to the shelter and seen her, she was at the very last column of cages on the far right when walking in, and she was the only dog down that line. the first thing we seen was a big red sign that read "Vicious" my dad and i laughed and started the adoption papers. 12 days or so later, we got a call to go and pick her up, i was so excited she was what our family was missing, a second dog. She is a purebred black lab. We took her hunting and on fishing trips, she HATES fireworks and bikes, she will eat everything but green peppers and yes that includes mosquitoes and bees (we always thought she would get stung though she never did) she used to bite at the water from the hose like constantly and loves car rides. Now she is 12 years old she takes arthritis meds and has been on seizure meds for about 7 years. Sadly when my parents get back tomorrow from their vacation they are scheduling a appointment for her to be put down, since her back legs are giving out and she needs help going up and down the stairs to go potty. I think we would all agree on any animal not suffering anymore but i honestly am dreading the day to say my last goodbye as she is and always will be not only my best friend but my furry baby :)
Puddy had a rough life from the very beginning. At 3 months animal services got a call of a black lab/rott mix puppy running around little Campbell creek. I had been bugging my parents for a new dog and promised they could have all of my PFD's if i could have one. That day me and my dad went to the shelter and seen her, she was at the very last column of cages on the far right when walking in, and she was the only dog down that line. the first thing we seen was a big red sign that read "Vicious" my dad and i laughed and started the adoption papers. 12 days or so later, we got a call to go and pick her up, i was so excited she was what our family was missing, a second dog. She is a purebred black lab. We took her hunting and on fishing trips, she HATES fireworks and bikes, she will eat everything but green peppers and yes that includes mosquitoes and bees (we always thought she would get stung though she never did) she used to bite at the water from the hose like constantly and loves car rides. Now she is 12 years old she takes arthritis meds and has been on seizure meds for about 7 years. Sadly when my parents get back tomorrow from their vacation they are scheduling a appointment for her to be put down, since her back legs are giving out and she needs help going up and down the stairs to go potty. I think we would all agree on any animal not suffering anymore but i honestly am dreading the day to say my last goodbye as she is and always will be not only my best friend but my furry baby :)
That evening, I emailed and invited Puddy's human to bring her to the studio for a few minutes. I wanted to meet this four-legged dog. She agreed and we spent an hour together. What a sweet dog. She was everything her person described and more.
There's a lot more to this story...perhaps to be shared in another way one day. But I was so fortunate to be able to meet Puddy and to photograph her. What a wonderful way to start 2011 and to begin the new year.

You are an amazing person with a great talent. Thank you.